带 LED 灯的磁性漂浮地球仪,C 形反重力磁悬浮装饰,适用于办公桌、办公室、家居
带 LED 灯的磁性漂浮地球仪,C 形反重力磁悬浮装饰,适用于办公桌、办公室、家居
体验我们的磁性漂浮地球仪的奇妙和魔力。看着它克服重力,毫不费力地漂浮在半空中,使其成为您办公桌、办公室或家居装饰的完美补充。 LED 灯增添了一丝魅力,使其成为一件独特而迷人的作品。 🌍✨ #创新 #悬浮 #磁性
- 磁悬浮地球仪:采用优质 ABS 材料制成,带有橡胶涂层,磁悬浮地球仪地图可以漂浮在半空中,并配有 4 色 LED 灯,通电时可在黑暗中增加视觉效果。
- C 形底座:磁性地球仪采用直观的开口设计,可以更清楚地看到地球仪上的区域。
- 高科技装饰:磁悬浮地球仪是一款很棒的高科技产品,各个年龄段的人都会喜欢它。具有悬停、悬浮、漂浮和反重力幻觉的东西看起来非常漂亮。最重要的是,它们适合家庭办公桌装饰,作为装饰摆件,适合任何风格的家庭和办公家具。
- 易于安装:球体直径为 3.5 英寸/9 厘米,一只手即可轻松握住。打开 C 形框架并蹲下,以确保视线与框架开口相同。使用安装辅助工具并按照用户手册操作。
1 x 浮动框架
1 个地球仪
1 个适配器
1 x 辅助工具
1 本用户手册
产品尺寸:20 x 20 x 10 厘米
包装尺寸:18 x 17.5 x 10 厘米
包装重量:0.5 KG
This thing is so cool! 😎
I got this for myself recently and it looks SO cool in my room! I've been on the lookout for a globe lately and I thought this was the coolest option. That being said, it is kind of difficult to get it at the exact position to float- and sometimes the spinning speeds up super fast. I also don't know if the price is justified for the material it's made out of- it's not the most durable plastic, but there should be no problems if it's just kept on a surface (out of reach from children).Really enjoy having it so far though!
Not that the description says that it spins but I still expected it to. There is also no power button. To turn it off, you must unplug it. That's quite annoying.
Cool and functional. I would purchase again and would highly recommend. Great for kids
This color-changing floating globe is a clever little item. It would be a good way to give kids a science lesson or make geography more fun. It comes assembled and plugs into an outlet. It can be a little tricky getting the globe just right so that it starts to levitate. It is fun to look at and is a good conversation starter.